Contact Us

We have several ways to help you get the information you need. 

  • First, refer to our Frequently Asked Questions. 
  • Sign in to send a secure message to a Member Advocate; (registered members only). 
    To protect your privacy, we may not be able to provide all information via email. Please allow one business day for email replies. 
  • If you still need to contact us directly, simply call a Member Advocate. 

Member or Benefit Questions? 

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions. FYI will need to include information on how to address claim question occurring prior to 12/31/2023 and those after 1/1/2024.

Sign in to (registered members only). 

Phone: Call a Member Advocate at the number on your ID card. (8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Monday-Friday)